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Abdullah, Sharif M. Creating a World that Works for All (Berrett-Koehler, 1999). Clearly the world doesn't work for the underdogs. It doesn't even work for the elites who seem to be in charge. Abdullah shows how a deeper understanding of inclusivity can help us make a world that actually works for all. See also commonway.org.

Ableson, J., et al. "A Review of Public Participation and Consultation Methods" excerpted from Deliberations about Deliberation: Issues in the Design and Evaluation of Public Consultation Processes (McMaster University Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis Research Working Paper 01-04, June 2001). This chart describes and analyzes five deliberative and twelve non-deliberative public participation and consultation methods, and offers an extensive bibliography on each one. Downloadable at regionalization.org/PPTableeng.pdf.

Armstrong, Thomas. Seven Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences (Plume, 1993). An accessible, useful popularization of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

Atlee, Tom. "A Vision of Co-Intelligent Activism," Permaculture Activist, September 2002, pp. 4-7

---. "A Call to Move Beyond Public Opinion to Public Judgment" (2002). A well-referenced summary of the co-intelligence vision of deliberative democracy. co-intelligence.org/CIPol_public judgment.html.

---. "Can Citizen Deliberative Councils Legitimately Claim to Generate a 'People's Voice' on Important Public Concerns?" (2002) Looks at sources of legitimacy in small groups that represent the public, particularly exploring number and diversity of council members and the role of dialogue quality in citizen deliberative councils. co-intelligence.org/CDCsLegitimacy.html.

---. "Using Synergy, Diversity, and Wholeness to Create a Wisdom Culture," Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture, Vol. 11, No. 3, Winter 2002, pp. 26-29. co-intelligence.org/I-SynDivWhol.html.

---. "How to Make a Decision Without Making a Decision" Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, Winter 2000, pp. 26-30. co-intelligence.org/I-decisionmakingwithout.html. Contains the Fertilizer Factory story from this book's Prologue, and a description of Dynamic Facilitation.

---. "Co-Intelligence and Community Self-Organization" and "A Co-Intelligent Toolkit for Working with Groups," The Permaculture Activist, December 1999, pp. 4-10. co-intelligence.org/CIPol_permacultureCI.html

---. "The Politics of Understanding," Yes! A Journal of Postive Futures, Fall 1996, pp 37-39.

---. "The Conversion of the American Dream," In Context No. 26, Fall '90, pp. 15-19. context.org/ICLIB/IC26/Atlee.htm.

Bache, Christopher Martin. Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind (SUNY, 2000). Consciousness has both individual and collective dimensions and we face its accelerated transformation in imminent eco-crises. Transpersonal therapy may involve collective healing.

Bagby, Rachel L. Divine Daughters: Liberating the Power and Passion of Women's Voices (HarperSanFrancisco, 1999). Rachel Bagby speaks the "vibralingual" voice of Life. Her passionate book fills the void in that incomplete holy family of Divine Father, Divine Mother and Divine Son. She tells the story of the Divine Daughter as she finds Her in her own life -- earthy, spirited, and real.

Baldwin, Christina. Calling the Circle: The First and Future Culture (Bantam, 1998). Fully explores peer-led, spirit-centered circles.

Barber, Benjamin. Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age (University of California, 1985). We are more than atomized citizens. We are part of communities that can address their problems through dialogue, through which we grow as citizens.

Bellah, Robert N, et al. Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life (University of California, 1985). A classic study of the nature of American community.

Berry, Thomas. The Dream of the Earth (Sierra Club, 1988). Science may have reduced nature to a machine in earlier centuries, but now it tells us the universe is a self-organizing miracle. One of the foundational documents of "The Great Story," the emerging cosmology uniting spirit and science. See thegreatstory.org.

Bohm, David. On Dialogue. Ed. Lee Nichol. (Routledge, 1996). The foundational document of "the dialogue movement."

Bourland, D. David, Jr., and Paul Dennithorne Johnston. To Be or Not: An E-Prime Anthology (General Semantics, 1991). General Semantics calls English with no "to be" verbs "E-Prime." Using E-Prime, our language becomes more precise and our thinking clearer. See also generalsemantics.org/Articles/E-Prime_intro.htm.

Briggs, John, and David Peat. Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Timeless Wisdom from the Science of Change (HarperCollins, 1999). An introduction to chaos theory and how it applies to life.

Bush, Robert A. Baruch, and Joseph P. Folger. The Promise of Mediation: Responding to Conflict through Empowerment and Recognition (Jossey-Bass, 1994). Conflict is not so much a problem as a source of growth. See also transformativemediation.org.

Callenbach, Ernest, and Michael Phillips. A Citizen Legislature (Banyan Tree/Clear Glass, 1985). Should we create a legislature by random selection? Callenbach and Phillips make a strong case -- and then include others' critiques of the idea.

Capra, Fritjof. The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (Doubleday, 1996). My favorite all-around introduction to the new sciences.

Carson, Lyn and Katharine Gelber. Ideas for Community Consultation: A Discussion on Principles and Procedures for Making Consultation Work (New South Wales Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, 2001). Includes a review of seven methods including citizens' juries, consensus conferences, deliberative polls and search conferences. Downloadable from duap.nsw.gov.au/planfirst/pdf/principles_procedures_final.pdf.

Carson, Lyn, and Brian Martin Random Selection in Politics (Praeger 1999). Explores random selection and citizen participation, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Includes notes about methods like citizens juries.

The Centre of Bhutan Studies. Gross National Happiness (1999). A major exploration of Bhutan's national success criteria in its early days. Available online at bhutanstudies.com/pages/gnh/contents.html.

Chambers, Robert, and James Blackburn. "The Power of Participation: PRA and Policy," IDS Policy Briefing, Issue 7, August 1996. A concise description of Participatory Rural Appraisals. ids.ac.uk/ids/bookshop/briefs/Brief7.html.

Chawla, Sarita, and John Renesch (eds). Learning Organizations: Developing Cultures for Tomorrow's Workplace (Productivity Press, 1995). Thirty-two essays about the theory and practice of creating organizational intelligence.

Childre, Doc, and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution (HarperSanFrancisco, 1999). Scientific evidence of the intuitive problem-solving capacity of the heart, and how to access it. See also heartmath.org.

Cooperrider, David, and Diana Whitney, Appreciative Inquiry: The Handbook (w/CD) (Lake-shore, 2001). A surprising amount of improvement can be achieved by attending to what works instead of what doesn't. See also appreciativeinquiry.cwru.edu.

Coover, Virginia et al. Resource Manual for a Living Revolution (New Society Press, 1978). Vision, analysis and practices from the Movement for a New Society who brought consensus and affinity groups broadly into activist movements.

Craig, James H., and Marguerite Craig. Synergic Power: Beyond Domination, Beyond Permissiveness (Proactive Press, 1979), 2nd edition. Pioneers of power-with and win-win solutions explore their application from the personal realm to the world of social transformation.

Crosby, Ned. Healthy Democracy (Beaver's Pond Press, 2003). The creator of Citizens Juries describes their rationale and use, and their potential to help us collectively discover our best interests and to provide voters at election time with general-interest advice about which initiatives and candidates are most likely to serve the common good.

Dass, Ram, and Paul Gorman. How Can I Help? Stories and Reflections on Service (Alfred A. Knopf, 1987). What does it mean to care? This challenging, compassionate book invites us into an inquiry most of us didn't know was there to explore, and leaves us changed. Some of its many stories were watersheds in my own thinking and feeling.

de Beauport, Elaine. The Three Faces of Mind (Quest, 1996). An integrated theory of multi-modal intelligence based on the functions of the three parts of the human brain -- reptilian, mammalian and cerebral cortex.

de Bono, Edward. Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas (HarperBusiness, 1992). Includes a popular non-political, non-typing way of dealing with human diversity -- creatively, of course -- the Six Thinking Hats.

de Sousa Santos, Boaventura, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, and Leonardo Avritzer. Papers on "The participatory budget experiment in Porto Allegre, Brazil" presented at the conference on Deepening Democracy: Institutional Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance, January, 2000 sponsored by The Real Utopias Project. See ssc.wisc.edu/~wright/RealUtopias.htm.

Dewey, John. "Democracy as a Way of Life" in School and Society, April 1937, quoted in Ammerman, Robert, and Marcus Singer (eds). Introductory Readings in Philosophy (Scribners, 1962). Sixty years ago, Dewey glimpsed the democratic implications of the "pooled intelligence constituted by the contributions of all."

Dominguez, Joe, and Vicki Robin. Your Money Or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money & Achieving Financial Independence, 2nd ed. (Penguin USA, 1999). So many people say "I don't have time" for citizenship or dialogue. Here is a proven approach for stepping from the consumerist treadmill into a quality life with quality time.

Doyle, Kevin, et al. (eds). "The People's Verdict: How Canadians Can Agree on Their Future," a series of eleven articles in Maclean's, July 1, 1991, Vol 104 No. 25, pp. 3-76.

Earley, Jay. Transforming Human Culture (SUNY, 1997). The evolution of integral culture from prehistory into the twenty-first century, mapping the interplay of "ground qualities" (community, participatory consciousness, etc.) and "emergent qualities" (complex social systems, analytic consciousness, etc.), and suggesting that our next task is to create a culture that integrates them all. See earley.org.

Ecotrust. Pattern Language for a Conservation Economy: What Does a Sustainable Society Look Like? (c2000). A fascinating detailed map of design elements for sustainability at conservationeconomy.net.

Einstein, Albert. The World As I See It (Philosophical Library, 1949). Timeless insights from a great mind, heart and spirit at the center of the twentieth century.

Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and the Blade (Harper and Row, 1987). Traces the sources of domination-based culture and shows how partnership-based cultures preceded them, and that we can move once again in that direction.

Eisler, Riane, and David Loye. The Partnership Way: New Tools for Living and Learning, Healing Our Families, Our Communities and Our World (HarperSanFrancisco, 1990) A practical companion for The Chalice and The Blade, filled with useful exercises and essays.

Elgin, Duane. Awakening Earth: Exploring the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness (William Morrow, 1993). Integrating science and ancient wisdom traditions into an inspiring vision of humanity's evolutionary journey. See also awakeningearth.org.

---. Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity's Future (HarperCollins, 2000). As we stand at the crossroads of unprecendented problems and opportunities, we are poised to make an evolutionary leap.

Ellinor, Linda and Glenna Gerard. Dialogue: Rediscovering the Transforming Power of Conversation (J. Wiley and Sons, 1998). A major articulation of Bohmian dialogue. Begins with a transcript of a dialogue among leading dialogue advocates that exemplifies the method.

Etzioni, Amitai. The Spirit of Community: The Reinvention of American Society (Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1993). A foundational document of the communitarian movement which suggests that responsibilities are as important as rights in a democracy.

Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (Tarcher,1980). The book on the holistic "new paradigm" revolution which first laid the groundwork for co-intelligence. Decades old, it still inspires.

Fisher, Roger, and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Penguin, 1981). The classic introduction to principled negotiation. Fisher and Ury have many other excellent books. See also colorado.edu/conflict/peace/treatment/pricneg.htm.

Fishkin, James S. The Voice of the People: Public Opinion and Democracy (Yale University, 1995). The founder of deliberative polling describes its rationale, history and vision, educating us about real democracy, in the process.

Follett, Mary Parker. The New State: Group Organization, the Solution of Popular Government (Pennsylvania State University, 1998). Originally published in 1918, this prescient book offers an advanced holistic vision of dialogue and democracy. Downloadable from sunsite.utk.edu/FINS/Mary_Parker_Follett/Fins-MPF-01.html.

Fricska, Szilard. "Popular Participation in Porto Alegre" (1996) based on Habitat II Conference document A/CONF.165/CRP.5 highlights of submissions to UNCHS (United Nations Human Settlements Programme), online at unhabitat.org/HD/hd/latin.htm#popular. A description of the Brazilian participatory budget process.

Friere, Paolo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Penguin, 1972). The classic articulation of education that uses the realities of people's lives to help them change their lives. See infed.org/thinkers/et-freir.htm.

Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind (Basic Books, 1983). The first fully-researched theory of multiple intelligences that opened the door to expanded views of intelligence.

---. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (HarperCollins, 1993). Here Gardner applies his theory to education.

Gastil, John. By Popular Demand: Revitalizing Representative Democracy Through Deliberative Elections (University of California, 2000). Describes five ways to use citizen deliberative councils to evaluate candidates and ballot initiatives and to oversee representative government.

Gerzon, Mark. A House Divided: Six Belief Systems Struggling for America's Soul (Tarcher/Putnam 1996). Describes the divisions in America and a new brand of patriots who are trying to bridge those chasms.

Gibson, Tony. The Power in our Hands: Neighborhood-Based World Shaking (Jon Carpenter, UK, 1996). How-tos and stories for those who want to make a creative difference in their communities.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence (Bantam, 1995). A direct and successful challenge to the "cult of IQ" which claims that how we deal with our (and others') emotions can be a greater indicator of success than more analytical types of intelligence.

Greenwood, Laura et al (eds). PLA [Participatory Learning and Action] Notes 40: Deliberative Democracy and Citizen Empowerment (International Institute for Environment and Development, UK, February 2001). Includes summaries of Tim Holmes and Ian Scoones work, among many other articles. Available through iied.org/bookshop/sd_spla.html.

Grundahl, Johs. "The Danish consensus conference model," in Joss, Simon, and John Durant (eds). Public Participation in Science: The Role of Consensus Conferences in Europe (Science Museum, UK, 1995). A step-by-step description of consensus conferences.

Harary, Keith, and Eileen Donahue. Who Do You Think You Are? (HarperSanFrancisco, 1994). How to use The Berkeley Personality Profile to explore human differences without "typing" people.

Hawken, Paul. The Ecology of Commerce (HarperBusiness, 1993). How an economy would work that fully collaborated with nature.

Hawken, Paul, James Ogilvy and Peter Schwartz. Seven Tomorrows: Seven Scenarios for the Eighties and Nineties (Bantam, 1982). Here is the earliest reference I've found to "collective intelligence" at the societal level.

Hawken, Paul, L. Hunter Lovins, and Amory Lovins. Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution (Back Bay Books, 2000). More about a nature-based economy, including powerful technical developments. See also naturalcapitalism.org.

Henderson, Hazel. Building a Win-Win World: Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare. (Berrett-Koehler, 1996). Innovations that would allow ethical corporations and politicians - and human and natural communities - to win in a competitive world. Chapter 11, "Perfecting Democracy's Tools" features creative use of polling and telecommunications technology.

---. Paradigms in Progress: Life Beyond Economics (Knowledge Systems, 1991). Accessible futurist thinking which breaks some chains of traditional economic thinking.

Henderson, Hazel, Jon Lickerman, and Patrice Flynn (eds). Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators (Calvert Group, 2000). A sophisticated set of national quality-of-life statistics to guide public policy and public life.

Henton, Doug et al. Empowering Regions: Strategies and Tools for Community Decision Making (Alliance for Regional Stewardship, 2001). A brief, useful guide with examples.

Hirsch, Sandra and Jean Kummerow. LifeTypes: Understand Yourself and Make the Most of Who You Are (Warner, 1989). A popularization of the widely-used Myers-Briggs system of personality typing based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung.

Hock, Dee. Birth of the Chaordic Age (Berrett-Koehler, 1999). A breakthrough vision of leaderful organizations that organize themselves benignly at the edge of order and chaos, articulated by the founder of Visa, International. See also chaordic.org.

Holman, Peggy, and Tom Devane (eds). The Change Handbook: Group Methods for Shaping the Future (Berrett-Koehler, 1999). Describes eighteen different approaches, including dialogue, future search, open space, appreciative inquiry and participative design, in doable detail -- with thoughts on the future and a unique matrix chart comparing all the methods described.

Holmes, Tim, and Ian Scoones, Participatory Environmental Policy Processes: Experiences from North and South (Institute of Development Studies, 2000). One of the most extensive reports analyzing dozens of "deliberative inclusionary processes" from around the world. Downloadable from the Web: Click on "IDS Working Paper 113" at the bottom of ids.ac.uk/ids/env/citizenjury.html.

Hopkins, Susan. Thinking Together with Young Children: Weaving a Tapestry of Community ($12.50 from 12959 Woolman Lane, Nevada City, CA 95959). Techniques and stories to facilitate collaboration with and among children and prepare them for responsible, active citizenship in the world.

Hubbard, Barbara Marx. Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential (New World Library, 1998). We need to develop not only our individual human potential but our social human potential, and consciously evolve our cultures and our consciousness.

Janis, Irving. Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decision (Houghton Mifflin, 1982). Studies of the dynamics of co-stupidity in leadership situations, including the Bay of Pigs, Pearl Harbour, the Vietnam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Watergate.

Johnson, Mark. Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics (University of Chicago, 1993). Moving beyond illusions of objectivity and subjectivity into a co-created world.

Johnson-Lenz, Peter and Trudy. Practicing Our Wisdom Together in Cyberspace (Awakentech, 1998). An online collaborative exploration of wisdom and knowledgge at awakentech.com/AT/Wisdom.nsf/By+Title/FrameSet?OpenDocument. The form is as fascinating as the content.

Johnston, Charles M. Necessary Wisdom: Meeting the Challenge of a New Cultural Maturity (ICD Press, 1991). Shows how opposites can dance together into creative co-evolution. Provides guidelines to help us build living bridges between us, where we come alive together.

Joss, Simon, and John Durant (eds). Public Participation in Science: The Role of Consensus Conferences in Europe (Science Museum, UK, 1995). A thorough discussion of Danish consensus conferences in English.

Joy, Bill. "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us" in Wired, April 2000. Explains how developments in biotechnology, nanotechnology and robotics will, with the expansion of computer power, almost surely result in human extinction, unless we monitor those developments much more carefully.

Kaner, Sam, et al. Facilitators Guide to Participatory Decision-Making (New Society, 1996). A detailed guide to facilitated consensus process, organized so individual pages can be copied and used by the group.

Korten, David C. The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism (Berrett-Koehler, 1999). A vision to move beyond corporatism to "eliminate the economic pathology that plagues us and create truly democratic, market-based, life-centered societies."

Krapfel, Paul. Seeing Nature: Deliberate Encounters With the Visible World (Chelsea Green, 1999). Engaging examples of nature as it dances entropy into life, and how we humans can join that dance. See also krafel.net.

Kretzmann, John P., and John L. McKnight. Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community's Assets (Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, 1993). Set aside all those community problems for a moment, and forget about serving clients. Engage in some "asset based community development" in which everyone is a resource. See also nwu.edu/IPR/abcd.html.

Laddon, Judy, Larry Shook and Tom Atlee (eds). Awakening: The Upside of Y2K (The Printed Word, 1998). Mostly articles selected from the Co-intelligence Institute's 1998 Y2K website.

La Chapelle, David. Navigating the Tides of Change: Stories from Science, the Sacred, and a Wise Planet (New Society, 2001). A compassionate shaman of complexity theory -- a storyteller of the underlying depths of time and space -- speaks to us of our times.

Lao-tzu. Tao Te Ching (Harper & Row, 1988). Trans. Stephen Mitchell. My favorite translation of the Tao, short of the ones I do myself comparing this with others.

Lappé, Frances Moore, and Paul Du Bois. "Living Democracy" in Thinkpeace, July 24, 1992, Issue 37/38, Vol. VIII, Nos. 2 & 3, pp. 2-7. Online at co-intelligence.org/CIPol_LivingDemoc.html

---. The Quickening of America: Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives (Jossey-Bass, 1994). Powerful examples and new theory about how Americans are "doing democracy." The foundational document on cooperative politics.

Lebensold, Ken. A New Moral Vision (1999). Insight into the evolving, ecosystemic nature of moral perspectives, inviting us to be partners in exploring morality and transforming the systems that influence life.

Lerner, Michael. The Politics of Meaning: Restoring Hope and Possibility in an Age of Cynicism (Addison-Wesley, 1996). There is political power available to those who can tap into people's deep yearning for meaning and values.

---. Spirit Matters (Walsch Books/Hampton Roads, 2000). A passionate, articulate statement of how active Emancipatory Spirituality can -- with care, wonder and joy -- heal and transform our lives, our society and our world. See tikkun.org.

le Roux, Pieter, et al., The Mont Fleur Scenarios: What will South Africa be like in the Year 2002? (Global Business Network, 1992). Details about a highly influential scenario project, available at gbn.org/public/gbnstory/articles/ex_mont_fleur.htm.

Leuf, Bo, and Ward Cunningham. The WikiWay (Addison-Wesley Long-man, 2001). Details how to collaborate online to create and modify documents and hotlinked dialogues.

Loden, Marilyn. Feminine Leadership: How to Succeed in Business Without Being One of the Boys (Times Books, 1985). Women's collaborative style has a demonstrable power all its own.

Macy, Joanna, and Molly Young Brown. Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World (New Society, 1998). Exercises to do together to find our place in the whole, once again.

Manitonquat. Ending Violent Crime: A Vision of a Society Free of Violence (Story Stone, 1996). A visionary but simple co-intelligent prison program, downloadable at futureworld.dk/society/books/nonviolence/nonviolence.htm.

Mansbridge, Jane J. Beyond Adversary Democracy (Basic Books, 1980). Describes adversarial and consensus (unitary) approaches to democracy and when it makes sense to use each approach.

McLaughlin, Corinne, and Gordon Davidson. Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out (Ballantine Books, 1994). A spiritual view of political dynamics, and a compendium of great things being done.

McMaster, Michael D. The Intelligence Advantage: Organizing for Complexity (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996). A source of some remarkably clear thinking about collective intelligence and organizational learning.

Meadows, Donella H. The Global Citizen (Island Press, 1991). Dana Meadows was one of the most down-to-earth, accessible systems thinkers and writers. You can read more of her essays about our role in the whole at iisd1.iisd.ca/pcdf/meadows/default.htm.

Mindell, Arnold. The Deep Democracy of Open Forums: Practical Steps to Conflict Prevention and Resolution for the Family, Workplace and World (Hampton Roads, 2002). Practical tools for "psycho-social activism" -- for creating space in which awareness can grow and deep personal and social transformation can take place safely.

---. Sitting in the Fire: Large Group Transformation Through Diversity and Conflict (Lao Tse Press, 1997). How to work in community with abuse, rage, revenge, revolution, racism and more, with examples.

---. The Leader as Martial Artist (HarperSF, 1992). The Aikido of conflict resolution, relationship and change.

Mitchell, Natasha, and Alexandra de Blas (reporters). "Citizens Speak Out About Stormwater in Democratic Experiment." ABC Australia radio broadcast, 22/09/01. Transcript at abc.net.au/rn/science/earth/stories/s376084.htm.

Mollison, Bill. Permaculture: A Practical Guide for a Sustainable Future (Island Press, 1990). Collaborative design principles for creating self-sustaining systems that include both nature and humans. (Interestingly, permaculture advocates are currently the population most receptive to co-intelligence ideas.) See also permacultureactivist.net.

Morris, David. Self-Reliant Cities (Sierra Club Books, 1982). The classic visionary text on the relationships of American cities to energy. See also ilsr.org.

Nader, Ralph. "The Concord Principles" (1992). Guidelines for The People taking control of what they own, such as their public lands, pension funds, savings accounts and public airwaves. co-intelligence.org/CIPol_ConcordPrinciples.html

Nash, Terre. Who's Counting: Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies, and Global Economics (National Film Board of Canada, 1995). A powerful film about the measurables and immeasurables in our lives, and how economic measurements and policies affect them. Who counts the work of women and nature? Get the 94 minute version if you can. See also home.earthlink.net/~mediatorken.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life (Bantam, 1991). Perhaps we should call him a mindfulist instead of an activist: He practices his mindfulness on the world stage as well as in the kitchen. "If we make it possible for [our government] to change policies, they will do it."

Oliver, Leonard P. Study Circles: Coming Together for Personal Growth and Social Change (Seven Locks, 1987). The history and practice of small-group, democratic, adult education and social learning. See also studycircles.org.

Ornstein, Robert, and Paul Ehrlich. New World, New Mind (Touchstone, 1989). One of the biggest obstacles to social change is that our 10,000 year old human nervous systems, wired for a life in nature, leave us unable to directly perceive and respond to the many "invisible" threats generated by civilization.

O'Shah, Nasrudin. The Zen of Global Transformation (Quay Largo, 2002). Careful study of our global predicament -- including elite power -- reveals the best way to create a decent, sustainable world is by drawing all sides into creative dialogue. Available online at QuayLargo.com/Transformation.

Owen, Harrison. Open Space Technology: A User's Manual (Berrett-Koehler, 1997). The how-to manual for one of the simplest, most powerful self-organized collective processes we have: conferences of, by and for the participants. See also openspaceworld.org.

Peavey, Fran. By Life's Grace: Musings on the Essence of Social Change (New Society, 1994). Heartful, insightful essays -- including a detailed description of strategic questioning.

Peavey, Fran, with Myra Levy and Charles Varon. Heart Politics (New Society, 1986). A moving, creative inquiry into what it means to live a life trying to change things for the better, sensitive to the interconnectedness, mystery, beauty and quirkiness of life.

Peck, M. Scott. A Different Drum: Community Making and Peace (Simon & Schuster, 1987). Peck tells us what needs to happen for us to feel like we're in genuine community. Interestingly enough, it involves a passage through chaos and emptiness...

Pimbert, Michel, and Tom Wakeford. "Prajateerpu: A Citizens' Jury/Scenario Workshop on Food Futures for Andhra Pradesh, India" (International Institute for Environment and Development, 2001). Downloadable from iied.org/agri/IIEDcitizenjuryAP1.html.

Potter, Dave, et al (eds). Centered on the Edge: Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom (Fetzer Institute, 2001). Explores the underlying dynamics of spiritually powerful group process. Available through fetzer.org/resources/CenteredOnTheEdge.

Ray, Paul H., and Sherry Ruth Anderson. The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People are Changing the World (Harmony, 2000). Marketing research shows the U.S. population (and many other societies) can be divided into three values-based cohorts: "The Traditionals," "The Moderns," and "The Cultural Creatives." The latter constitute a quarter of the population and are growing fast, with profound implications. See also culturalcreatives.org.

Redburn, Ray, et al. Confessions of Empowering Organizations (Association for Quality and Participation, 1991). 92 case studies of partnership and empowerment, self-managed work crews, self-directed reorganizations -- with names and phone numbers.

Renn, Ortwin, Thomas Webler, and Peter Wiedemann. Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation: Evaluating Models for Environmental Discourse (Kluwer Academic, 1995). Volume 10 of Technology, Risk and Society: An International Series in Risk Analysis, Jeryl Mumpower and Ortwin Renn (eds). Describes and evaluates eight models, including citizens' juries and planning cells.

Riso, Don Richard. Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery (Houghton Mifflin, 1987). An introduction to one of the most popular personality typing systems, originally designed for serious students of personal growth.

Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion (PuddleDancer Press, 1999). Excellent process for creatively dealing with difficult interpersonal situations -- including intense conflict -- and for understanding human needs. See also cnvc.org.

Rough, Jim. Society's Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People (1stBooks, 2002). Describes Dynamic Facilitation and its use in Wisdom Councils -- and a "Citizens Amendment" to establish a national Wisdom Council in the U.S. See SocietysBreakthrough.com.

Sandra, Jaida N'ha. The Joy of Conversation (Utne, 1997). The Utne Reader's guide to co-creative salons of all types. Excellent writeups on study circles, listening circles, etc.

Savory, Allan, with Jody Butterfield. Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision-Making (Island Press, 1999). Here's an approach to get the whole system's stakeholders to think together about the whole system's long term needs. See also holisticmanagement.org.

Schutt, Randy. "Notes on Consensus Decision Making" and other papers downloadable from vernalproject.org/RPapers.shtml#Coop DecMaking. Concise guidelines for facilitators and groups wanting to use consensus.

---. Inciting Democracy: A Practical Proposal for Creating a Good Society (SpringForward, 2001). A detailed vision for a path of nonviolent social change. See also vernalproject.org.

Sclove, Richard. Democracy and Technology (Guilford, 1995). Shows how technologies support -- and undermine -- democracy, and asks: "What role should democracy have in the development of technology?" See also loka.org.

Semler, Ricardo. Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World's Most Unusual Workplace (Warner Books, 1993). Not only the most unusual workplace, but one of the most co-intelligent. A great study of leadership that nurtures the capacity of the system to increasingly care for itself.

Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (Doubleday Currency, 1990). This book introduced the world to the idea of an organization that can learn. One of the first to explicitly explore collective intelligence.

Senge, Peter, et al. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook (Doubleday Currency, 1994). Packed with strategies, tools and exercises to help us build learning organizations.

Shaffer, Carolyn, and Kristin Anundsen. Creating Community Anywhere: Finding Support and Connection in a Fragmented World (Tarcher/Perigree, 1993). M. Scott Peck called this "the most comprehensive book I know of about the community movement." It covers building community with friends, family, support groups, neighborhoods, co-workers, cyber-companions, shared households and visionary communities. It provides excellent guidance on conflict, decision-making, celebrations, communication, and dealing with community evolution and the "shadow side" of community.

Shuman, Michael H. Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age (The Free Press, 1998). The title says it all.

Smith, Anna Deavere. Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. A one-woman performance about the violence that broke out after the Rodney King beating verdicts. Available through shop.pbs.org.

Spangler, David. Everyday Miracles: The Inner Art of Manifestation (Bantam, 1996). One of the few visions I've found of a truly co-creative spiritual metaphysics. Spangler suggests we live in a co-incarnational universe, and shows how we can use that fact to serve the well-being of the whole through our own intention and evolution.

Starhawk. Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority and Mystery (Harper and Row, 1987). Power-with and power-from-within are the magical powers needed to dissolve power-over in the mystery of Life. It turns out that this is all very practical.

---. The Fifth Sacred Thing (Bantam, 1993). An intense novel grounded in the ultimate mystery and power of wholeness, in partnership with everything.

Tannen, Deborah. The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue (Random House (1998). Tannen questions the assumption that a war of ideas produces the greatest truth.

Teledemocracy Action News+Network, "Scientific Deliberative Polling and Deliberative Democracy" auburn.edu/academic/liberal_arts/poli_sci/tann/tann2/project2.html. Describes and links ten leading citizen deliberative methods and projects, including citizens' juries, deliberative polling, planning cells, and consensus conferences.

Theobald, Robert A. Turning the Century: Personal and Organizational Strategies for Your Changed World (Participation, 1992). Specific recommendations for radical change towards a caring, sustainable society.

---. Reworking Success (New Society, 1997). An accessible re-examination of how to make communities and societies work better in the twenty-first century. Downloadable from transform .org/transform/tlc/rsuccess.html. See also resilientcommunities.org.

Toms, Michael. A Time for Choices: Deep Dialogues for Deep Democracy (New Society, 2002). A collection of post-9-11 wisdom from more than one hundred leading thinkers, educators, political analysts, activists, social innovators, clergy, journalists, philosophers and spiritual teachers.

Verhulst, Jos. "Orcamento Participativo: The remarkable experience of direct democracy in a Brazilian town" (c. 1998) at ping.be/jvwit/directdemorcamento.html.

Waldrop, M. Complexity (Simon & Schuster, 1992). This book opened my eyes to the way nature generates totally new phenomena through the co-evolution of complex synergies.

Watterson, Kathryn. Not By the Sword: How the Love of a Cantor and His Family Transformed a Klansman (Simon & Schuster, 1996). A compelling true story showing the power of caring and empathy as forms of strength, not weakness.

Weisbord, Marvin, and Sandra Janoff. Future Search: An Action Guide to Finding Common Ground in Organizations and Communities (Berrett-Koehler, 1995). A how-to book to help communities and stakeholders explore and co-create their shared past, present and future. See also futuresearch.net.

Wenk, E. The Double Helix: Technology and Democracy in the American Future (Ablex, 1999). Describes the threats to democracy from technological innovation, focusing on those that require a political rather than a technological solution.

Wheatley, Margaret. Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World (Berrett-Koehler, 1999). How to relate to organizations as natural systems. See also berkana.org.

---. Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future (Berrett-Koehler, 2002). Guidelines, inspiration and questions to help us turn to each other instead of against each other, by realizing newly the innate power of talking and listening. See turningtooneanother.net.

Wilber, Ken. A Brief History of Everything (Shambhala, 1996). Some useful models for expanding our thinking in more holistic directions.

Zimmerman, Jack, and Virginia Coyle. The Way of Council (Bramble Books, 1996). Council process as practiced by the Ojai Foundation.

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